Wednesday 18 July 2012

In the beginning....

What`s it all mean?

 And so it would appear, that useless thought has suckled my massive nipples and I have floated insignificantly throughout space and time for many years.Despite my continuous belief that I'm absolutely fascinating, my overall demeanour can be described as nothing more than a solider in the “bro-dom army.”  Meaning, it has recently come to my attention that I am what the cool kids would describe as a ‘bro.’ This is partially disturbing, as my mantra has never been to `bro`out with my phallus out…nevertheless, a bro, is what the masses would assume and I'm here to neither agree, nor deny (refer to left picture)…There is however, a part of me that still cries for the theatre, the art, the passion, the mastabatory drive to show the world how fucking brilliant I am!!   I would never admit to joining ranks with the end of modern civilization as we know it, or-`hipsters`,`but I have no problem using the term `bohemian.`  Now, I am neither filthy or play the ukelele and I really like money, but I once lived near Kensington market so that gives me points right?!? 

 Therefore I have coined the term `bro-hemian,` used to describe a contradictory individual that clearly takes himself way to seriously.  Nevertheless, this is not so much a blog filled with my obnoxious rantings as it is a blog about food.

Enough of that...

So what`s with the food blog? Well it`s quite simple...I like food, and I like writing, and I`m bored as shit, so lets combine interests!  Cynicism aside, food has recently emerged as possibly my greatest passion.  The accessible nature of modern foodism, and the fact that anyone can become a psuedo-foodie, has given me hope for the future.  Yes the snobs and classically trained can whine and bitch about the food network and it`s bastardization of the industry; but it`s also opened the door to a whole new audience of joe blows and housewives, who can seriously involve themselves in this wonderful sub-culture.   Everywhere you look, more and more people are cooking cool and exciting options, eating at sexy, innovative restaurants and rightfully turning their noses down to corporate chain hell.  Fuck You Boston Pizza, and your ubiquitous presence across this fair land!  Seriously I drove across Canada last summer and it`s literally in every town!

So this brings me to what it`s all about.  There is no real guideline to this`s whatever I want to write about food...and I live in a great, often under appreciated town, with variety and excitement and alot of Shawarma.  With that, read onwards and enjoy my hilarious opinions...

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